Mothers Union

The Parish has two Mothers Union group.

One meets in the church crypt on a Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. and the other is the Evening Mothers Union described below.

All are welcome at these groups.

For more details please speak to Mrs. Anne Evans on 534947. For more information on the work and aims of the Mothers Union please click on this link :

Evening Mothers Union (EMU)

Our group aims to provide an opportunity for people who work in the daytime to meet together in fellowship as part of the wider St. Davids branch of the Mothers Union.

We meet every other Monday at 7.30pm in the crypt of St. Davids Church. The evening starts with a short service, then varies with talks, demonstrations, and outings for different activities including the ever-popular end of session dinners.

The members all enjoy the fellowship and varied programme provided. A warm welcome awaits any new members who would like to join us.